
Adds a new Particle to the particle system, at the start of the Active Particle List. This new Particle is initialized using the particle system's Particle Initialization Function
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Adds a new Particle to the particle system, at the start of the Active Particle List. Returns true if the Particle was added, false if there is not enough memory for another Particle.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Adds the specified number of new Particles to the particle system.
These new Particles are initialized using the particle system's Particle Initialization Function.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

AddParticles(Int32, ParticleEmitterLerpInfo)
Adds the specified number of new Particles to the particle system, linearly interpolating (Lerp) the Emitter's Position/Orientation to be between its Previous Position/Orientation and current Position/Orientation when adding new particles.
Returns how many Particles were able to be added to the particle system.
These new Particles are initialized using the particle system's Particle Initialization Function.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

AddParticles(Int32, Particle)
Adds the specified number of new Particles to the particle system, copying the properties of the given Particle To Copy.
NOTE: The Particle Initialization Function is not called when copying from an existing particle.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

AddParticles(Int32, ParticleEmitter, Single)
Adds the specified number of new Particles to the particle system, linearly interpolating (Lerp) the Emitter's Position/Orientation to be between its Previous Position/Orientation and current Position/Orientation when adding new particles.
Returns how many Particles were able to be added to the particle system.
These new Particles are initialized using the particle system's Particle Initialization Function.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function that is called at the end of the AddParticle() function. This may be used to execute some code after a new Particle is initialized and added.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function that is called at the end of the Destroy() function. This may be used to perform operations after the Particle System has been Destroyed, such as to destroy other Particle Systems nested within this Particle System.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function that is called at the end of the Draw() function. This may be used to perform operations after the Particle System has been drawn, such as to Draw Particle Systems nested within this Particle System.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function that is called at the end of the Initialize() function. This may be used to perform operations after the Particle System has been Initialized, such as initializing other Particle Systems nested within this Particle System.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function that is called at the end of the Update() function. This may be used to perform operations after the Particle System has been updated, such as to Update Particle Systems nested within this Particle System.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function to Initialize the Particle System with default values. Particle system properties should not be set until after this is called, as they are likely to be reset to their default values.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function that is called at the beginning of the AddParticle() function. This may be used to execute some code before a new Particle is initialized and added.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function that is called at the beginning of the Destroy() function. This may be used to perform operations before the Destroy() code is executed.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function that is called at the beginning of the Draw() function. This may be used to perform operations before the Draw() code is executed.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function that is called at the beginning of the Update() function. This may be used to perform operations before the Update() code is executed.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Returns the vector force that a Magnet should exert on a Particle
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Release all resources used by the Particle System and reset all properties to their default values
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Draws all of the Active Particles to the Graphics Device.
NOTE: This will only Draw the Particle System if it does not inherit from DrawableGameComponent, since if it does it will be drawn automatically by the Game object.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Draws all of the Active Particles to the Graphics Device, even if the the Particle Systems inherits from DrawableGameComponent.
NOTE: If inheriting from DrawableGameComponent and this is called, the Particle System will be drawn twice per frame; once when it is called here, and again when automatically called by the Game object. If not inheriting from DrawableGameComponent, this acts the same as calling Draw().
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function to draw a Sprite Particle. This function should be used to draw the given Particle with the provided SpriteBatch.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)

Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)

Initializes a new No Display Particle System. This type of Particle System does not allow any of the Particles to be drawn to a Graphics Device (e.g. the screen).
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

This function should be called immediately after deserializing a particle system in order to reinitialize the properties that could not be serialized.
NOTE: If this type of particle system requires a Texture, this function will attempt to load the Texture specified by the DeserializationTexturePath property. If it is unable to load a texture, an DPSFArgumentNullException will be thrown, so this function should be wrapped in a try block, and when an DPSFArgumentNullException is caught then the particle system's texture should be manually set.
NOTE: This will attempt to load the Effect and Technique specified by the DeserializationEffectPath and DeserializationTechniqueName properties. If either of these are null, the DPSFDefaultEffect will be used, and the default Technique for this type of particle system will be loaded.
NOTE: Particle systems can only be serialized (and thus, deserialized) if not inheriting from DrawableGameComponent (i.e. InheritsDrawableGameComponent == false. i.e. using the DPSF.dll, not DPSFAsDrawableGameComponent.dll).
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Initialize the given Particle using the current Initialization Function
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Function to Initialize a Default Particle with default settings
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

InitializeParticleUsingInitialProperties(DPSFParticle, DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..CInitialProperties)
Function to Initialize a Default Particle with the Initial Settings
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Initializes a new Quad Particle System
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function to setup the Render Properties (i.e. BlendState, DepthStencilState, RasterizerState, and SamplerState) which will be applied to the Graphics Device before drawing the Particle System's Particles.
This function is only called once when initializing the particle system.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

InitializeSpriteParticleSystem(GraphicsDevice, ContentManager, Int32, Int32, Texture2D)
Initializes a new Sprite Particle System
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

InitializeSpriteParticleSystem(GraphicsDevice, ContentManager, Int32, Int32, String)
Initializes a new Sprite Particle System
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

InitializeSpriteParticleSystem(GraphicsDevice, ContentManager, Int32, Int32, Texture2D, SpriteBatch)
Initializes a new Sprite Particle System
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

InitializeSpriteParticleSystem(GraphicsDevice, ContentManager, Int32, Int32, String, SpriteBatch)
Initializes a new Sprite Particle System
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

InitializeTexturedQuadParticleSystem(GraphicsDevice, ContentManager, Int32, Int32, DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateVertexDelegate, Texture2D)
Initializes a new Textured Quad Particle System
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

InitializeTexturedQuadParticleSystem(GraphicsDevice, ContentManager, Int32, Int32, DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateVertexDelegate, String)
Initializes a new Textured Quad Particle System
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Moves the Active Particle's Linked List node to the Inactive Particle Linked List.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Removes all Active Particles from the Active Particle List and adds them to the Inactive Particle List
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Sets the camera position, so that the particles know how to make themselves face the camera if needed. (i.e. you add the Particle EveryTimeEvent UpdateParticleToFaceTheCamera).
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Sets the Effect to be the default type for this type of particle system. This is done automatically when the particle system is initialized.
Default effect for each particle type is:
1. | NoDisplay and Sprite - null. |
3. | TexturedQuad - AlphaTestEffect. |
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

SetEffectAndTechnique(Effect, String)
Sets the Effect and Technique to use to draw the Particles.
NOTE: This will automatically set the DeserializationTechniqueName property to the given sTechnique.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

SetEffectAndTechnique(String, String)
Sets the Effect and Technique to use to draw the Particles.
NOTE: This will automatically set the DeserializationEffectPath property to the given sEffect.
NOTE: This will automatically set the DeserializationTechniqueName property to the given sTechnique.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Virtual function to Set the Effect's Parameters before drawing the Particles
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultTexturedQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Sets the Graphics Device to use to the given graphics device.
NOTE: This only has an effect if the particle system does not inherit from DrawableGameComponent (i.e. InheritsDrawableGameComponent == false. i.e. using the DPSF.dll, not DPSFAsDrawableGameComponent.dll), since the Graphics Device is read-only when inheriting from DrawableGameComponent. The Game object's Graphics Device is always used when inheriting from DrawableGameComponent.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Set which Technique of the current Effect to use to draw the Particles.
NOTE: This will automatically set the DeserializationTechniqueName property to the given sTechnique.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Set the Texture to use to draw the Particles
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Set the World, View, and Projection matrices for this Particle System.
NOTE: Sprite particle systems are not affected by the World, View, and Projection matrices.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Updates the Particle System. This involves executing the Particle System Events, updating all Active Particles according to the Particle Events, and adding new Particles according to the Emitter settings.
NOTE: This will only Update the Particle System if it does not inherit from DrawableGameComponent, since if it does it will be updated automatically by the Game object.
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Updates the Particle System, even if the the Particle Systems inherits from DrawableGameComponent.
Updating the Particle System involves executing the Particle System Events, updating all Active Particles according to the Particle Events, and adding new Particles according to the Emitter settings.
NOTE: If inheriting from DrawableGameComponent and this is called, the Particle System will be updated twice per frame; once when it is called here, and again when automatically called by the Game object. If not inheriting from DrawableGameComponent, this acts the same as calling Update().
(Inherited from DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Updates the Animation, as well as the Particle's Texture Coordinates to match the Animation
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultAnimatedTexturedQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Linearly interpolates the Particle's Color between it's Start Color and End Color based on the Particle's Normalized Elapsed Time.
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Updates the Particle's DistanceFromCameraSquared property to reflect how far this Particle is from the Camera.
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Linearly interpolate the Particle's Height between the Start and End Height according to the Particle's Normalized Lifetime
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Calculates how much affect each of the Particle System's Magnets should have on this Particle and updates the Particle's Position accordingly.
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Updates a Particle's Velocity according to its Acceleration, and then the Position according to the new Velocity
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Applies the External Force to the Particle's Position
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Update a Particle's Position according to its Velocity
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Update a Particle's Rotational Velocity according to its Rotational Acceleration
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Update a Particle's Rotation and Rotational Velocity according to its Rotational Acceleration
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Update a Particle's Rotation according to its Rotational Velocity
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Disables the Emitter
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Sets the Emitter to not Emit Particles Automatically
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Sets the Emitter to Emit Particles Automatically
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Enables the Emitter
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Sorts the particles to draw particles furthest from the camera first, in order to achieve proper depth perspective.
NOTE: This operation is very expensive and should only be used when you are drawing particles with both opaque and semi-transparent portions, and not using additive blending.
Merge Sort is the sorting algorithm used, as it tends to be best for linked lists. TODO - WHILE MERGE SORT SHOULD BE USED, DUE TO TIME CONSTRAINTS A (PROBABLY) SLOWER METHOD (QUICK-SORT) IS BEING USED INSTEAD. THIS FUNCTION NEEDS TO BE UPDATED TO USE MERGE SORT STILL. THE LINKED LIST MERGE SORT ALGORITHM CAN BE FOUND AT http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/algorithms/listsort.html
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Orientates the Particle to face the camera, but constrains the particle to always be perpendicular to the Y-Z plane.
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Orientates the Particle to face the camera, but constrains the particle to always be perpendicular to the X-Z plane (i.e standing straight up).
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Orientates the Particle to face the camera, but constrains the particle to always be perpendicular to the X-Y plane.
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Updates the Particle to be removed from the Particle System once the Animation finishes Playing
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultAnimatedTexturedQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Turns the Particle into a Billboard Particle (i.e. The Particle always faces the Camera).
NOTE: This Update function should be called after all other Update functions to ensure that the Particle is orientated correctly.
NOTE: Update the Particle System's Camera Position every frame to ensure that this works correctly.
NOTE: Only Roll Rotations (i.e. around the Z axis) will be visible when this is used.
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Linearly interpolates the Particle's Transparency to fade in based on the Particle's Normalized Elapsed Time.
If you are also updating the Particle Color using an EveryTime Event, be sure to set the ExecutionOrder of the event calling this function to be greater than that one, so that this function is called AFTER the color update function.
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Linearly interpolates the Particle's Transparency to fade out based on the Particle's Normalized Elapsed Time.
If you are also updating the Particle Color using an EveryTime Event, be sure to set the ExecutionOrder of the event calling this function to be greater than that one, so that this function is called AFTER the color update function.
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Quickly fades the particle in when born and quickly fades it out as it approaches its death.
If you are also updating the Particle Color using an EveryTime Event, be sure to set the ExecutionOrder of the event calling this function to be greater than that one, so that this function is called AFTER the color update function.
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Quickly fades the particle in when born and slowly fades it out as it gets closer to death.
If you are also updating the Particle Color using an EveryTime Event, be sure to set the ExecutionOrder of the event calling this function to be greater than that one, so that this function is called AFTER the color update function.
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Calculates how much affect each of the Particle System's Magnets should have on this Particle and updates the Particle's Velocity accordingly.
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Update a Particle's Velocity according to its Acceleration
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Applies the External Force to the Particle's Velocity
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Applies the Particle's Friction to the its Velocity to slow the Particle down to a stop
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Linearly interpolate the Particle's Width and Height between the Start and End values according to the Particle's Normalized Lifetime
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

Linearly interpolate the Particle's Width between the Start and End Width according to the Particle's Normalized Lifetime
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

UpdateVertexProperties(array<DefaultQuadParticleVertex>[]()[][]%, Int32, DPSFParticle)
Function to update the Vertex properties according to the Particle properties
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)

UpdateVertexProperties(array<DefaultTexturedQuadParticleVertex>[]()[][]%, Int32, DPSFParticle)
Function to update the Vertex properties according to the Particle properties
(Inherited from DPSFDefaultTexturedQuadTextureCoordinatesParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>.)