[TCheckBoxFormControlObj]C# [TCheckBoxFormControlObj]Visual Basic Turns the Particle into a Billboard Particle (i.e. The Particle always faces the Camera). NOTE: This Update function should be called after all other Update functions to ensure that the Particle is orientated correctly. NOTE: Update the Particle System's Camera Position every frame to ensure that this works correctly. NOTE: Only Roll Rotations (i.e. around the Z axis) will be visible when this is used. Namespace: DPSF Assembly: DPSF (in DPSF.dll) Version: Syntax
Parameters cParticle Type: DPSF..::..DefaultQuadParticle The Particle to update. fElapsedTimeInSeconds How long it has been since the last update. See Also DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)> Class DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)> Members |