Class to hold a List of Animations and the texture coordintes of the Pictures used by the Animations. To start, Create Picture's of all images that will be used in any Animations. Then Create an Animation by specifying the order of the Picture IDs to go through, and the speed to flip through them at (i.e. frame-rate).
Class to hold the Automatic Memory Manager Settings
Particle used by the Default Animated Sprite 3D Billboard Particle System
The Default Animated 3D Billboard Sprite Particle System to inherit from, which uses Default Animated Sprite Particles
Particle used by the Default Animated Sprite Particle System
The Default Animated Sprite Particle System to inherit from, which uses Default Animated Sprite Particles
Particle used by the Default Animated Quad Particle System
The Default Animated Textured Quad Particle System to inherit from, which uses Default Animated Textured Quad Particles
Particle used by the No Display Particle System
The Default No Display Particle System to inherit from, which uses Default Pixel Particles
The base class that all Magnet classes inherit from. This class cannot be instantiated directly. A Magnet of a Particle System has an affect on its Particles, such as attracting or repelling them.
Particle used by the Default Quad Particle System
The Default Quad Particle System to inherit from, which uses Default Quad Particles
Particle used by the Default Sprite 3D Billboard Particle System
The Default Sprite 3D Billboard Particle System to inherit from, which uses Default Sprite 3D Billboard Particles
Particle used by the Default Sprite 3D Billboard Particle System
The Default Sprite Particle System to inherit from, which uses Default Sprite Particles.
Particle used by the Default Sprite Particle System
The Default Sprite Particle System to inherit from, which uses Default Sprite Particles
Particle used by the Default Sprite with Texture Coordinates Particle System
The Default Sprite with Texture Coordinates Particle System to inherit from, which uses Default Sprite with Texture Coordinates Particles
Particle used by the Default Textured Quad Particle System
The Default Textured Quad Particle System to inherit from, which uses Default Textured Quad Particles
The Default Textured Quad with Texture Coordinates Particle System to inherit from, which uses Default Textured Quad Texture Coordinates Particles
Particle used by the Default Textured Quad with Texture Coordinates Particle System
DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Base Particle System Framework Class. This class contains the methods and properties needed to keep track of, update, and draw Particles
DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>..::..CParticleEvents
Class to hold all of the Particle Events
DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>..::..CParticleSystemEvents
Class to hold all of the Particle System Events and related info
DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>..::..CParticleSystemEvents..::..CParticleSystemLifetimeData
Class to hold the Lifetime information of the Particle System
DPSFDefaultAnimatedSprite3DBillboardParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Default Animated Sprite Particle System class
DPSFDefaultAnimatedSpriteParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Default Animated Sprite Particle System class
DPSFDefaultAnimatedTexturedQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Default Animated Textured Quad Particle System class
The Base Particle class from which the Default Particle classes inherit from
DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Base Particle System class that the Default Particle System classes inherit from
DPSFDefaultBaseParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>..::..CInitialProperties
Particle System Properties used to initialize a Particle's Properties.
NOTE: These are only applied to the Particle when the InitializeParticleUsingInitialProperties() function is set as the Particle Initialization Function.
The Default Effect provided by DPSF.
DPSFDefaultNoDisplayParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Default No Display Particle System class
DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Default Quad Particle System class
DPSFDefaultQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>..::..CInitialPropertiesForQuad
Particle System Properties used to initialize a Particle's Properties.
NOTE: These are only applied to the Particle when the InitializeParticleUsingInitialProperties() function is set as the Particle Initialization Function.
Static class used to apply default settings to all DPSF particle systems and particle system managers when they are initialized.
Note: These settings are applied during particle system initialization, and may be overwritten by particle system manager settings.
DPSFDefaultSprite3DBillboardParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Default Sprite 3D Billboard Particle System class. This class just inherits from the Default Sprite Particle System class and overrides the DrawSprite() function to draw the sprites as Billboards in 3D space.
DPSFDefaultSprite3DBillboardTextureCoordinates<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Default Sprite 3D Billboard Particle System class. This class just inherits from the Default Sprite Particle System class and overrides the DrawSprite() function to draw the sprites as Billboards in 3D space.
DPSFDefaultSpriteParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Default Sprite Particle System class
DPSFDefaultSpriteParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>..::..CInitialPropertiesForSprite
Particle System Properties used to initialize a Particle's Properties.
NOTE: These are only applied to the Particle when the InitializeParticleUsingInitialProperties() function is set as the Particle Initialization Function.
DPSFDefaultSpriteTextureCoordinatesParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Default Sprite with Texture Coordinates Particle System class
DPSFDefaultTexturedQuadParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Default Textured Quad Particle System class
DPSFDefaultTexturedQuadTextureCoordinatesParticleSystem<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>
The Default Textured Quad with Texture Coordinates Particle System class
Collection of static functions for performing common operations
Class used to hold a Particle's properties. This class only holds a Particle's Lifetime information, but may be inherited from in order to specify additional Particle properties, such as position, size, color, etc.
Attribute used to mark fields/methods/properties that should be shown in the DPSF Viewer.
Magnet that attracts particles to/from an infinite line in 3D space
Magnet that attracts particles to/from a line with specified end points in 3D space
Magnet that attracts particles to/from a plane in 3D space
Magnet that attracts particles to/from a single point in 3D space
Class to hold and update an object's 2D Orientation, Rotational Velocity, and Rotational Acceleration
Inherits from the Orientation2D class and adds functionality to remember the object's last orientation.
Class to hold and update an object's 3D Orientation, Rotational Velocity, and Rotational Acceleration.
Inherits from the Orientation3D class and adds functionality to remember the object's last orientation.
Class used to automatically create new Particles in a Particle System.
Holds a collection of ParticleEmitters.
Class containing the information necessary to Linearly Interpolate a ParticleEmitter's position and orientation between Updates when adding many particles.
Class to manage the Updating and Drawing of DPSF Particle Systems each frame
Class to hold and update an object's 2D Pivot Point (point to rotate around), Pivot Velocity, and Pivot Acceleration. This class requires a Position2D object, and optionally a Orientation2D object, that should be affected by rotations around the Pivot Point.
Class to hold and update an object's 3D Pivot Point (point to rotate around), Pivot Velocity, and Pivot Acceleration. This class requires a Position3D object, and optionally a Orientation3D object, that should be affected by rotations around the Pivot Point.
Class used to hold and update an object's 2D Position, Velocity, and Acceleration
Inherits from the Position2D class and adds functionality to remember the object's last position.
Class used to hold and update an object's 3D Position, Velocity, and Acceleration.
Inherits from the Position3D class and adds functionality to remember the object's last position.
Class that may be used to obtain random numbers. This class inherits the Random class and adds additional functionality.
Class to hold all of the drawing Settings
Class to hold all of the SpriteBatch-specific drawing Settings