
AddEveryTimeEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Adds a new EveryTime Event with a default Execution Order and Group of zero. EveryTime Events fire every frame (i.e. every time the Update() function is called).

AddEveryTimeEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32)
Adds a new EveryTime Event with a default Group of zero. EveryTime Events fire every frame (i.e. every time the Update() function is called).

AddEveryTimeEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32, Int32)
Adds a new EveryTime Event. EveryTime Events fire every frame (i.e. every time the Update() function is called).

AddNormalizedTimedEvent(Single, DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Adds a new Normalized Timed Event with a default Execution Order and Group of zero. Normalized Timed Events fire when the Particle's Normalized Elapsed Time reaches the specified Time To Fire.

AddNormalizedTimedEvent(Single, DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32)
Adds a new Normalized Timed Event with a default Group of zero. Normalized Timed Events fire when the Particle's Normalized Elapsed Time reaches the specified Time To Fire.

AddNormalizedTimedEvent(Single, DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32, Int32)
Adds a new Normalized Timed Event. Normalized Timed Events fire when the Particle's Normalized Elapsed Time reaches the specified Time To Fire.

AddOneTimeEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Adds a new OneTime Event with a default Execution Order and Group of zero. OneTime Events fire once then are automatically removed.

AddOneTimeEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32)
Adds a new OneTime Event with a default Group of zero. OneTime Events fire once then are automatically removed.

AddOneTimeEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32, Int32)
Adds a new OneTime Event. OneTime Events fire once then are automatically removed.

AddTimedEvent(Single, DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Adds a new Timed Event with a default Execution Order and Group of zero. Timed Events fire when the Particle's Elapsed Time reaches the specified Time To Fire.

AddTimedEvent(Single, DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32)
Adds a new Timed Event with a default Group of zero. Timed Events fire when the Particle's Elapsed Time reaches the specified Time To Fire.

AddTimedEvent(Single, DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32, Int32)
Adds a new Timed Event. Timed Events fire when the Particle's Elapsed Time reaches the specified Time To Fire.

ContainsEveryTimeEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Returns if there is an EveryTime Event with the specified Function or not.

ContainsEveryTimeEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32, Int32)
Returns if there is an EveryTime Event with the specifed Function, Execution Order, and Group or not.

ContainsNormalizedTimedEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Returns if there is a NormalizedTimed Event with the specified Function or not.

ContainsNormalizedTimedEvent(Single, DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32, Int32)
Returns if there is a NormalizedTimed Event with the specifed Normalized Time To Fire, Function, Execution Order, and Group or not.

ContainsOneTimeEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Returns if there is an OneTime Event with the specified Function or not.

ContainsOneTimeEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32, Int32)
Returns if there is an OneTime Event with the specifed Function, Execution Order, and Group or not.

ContainsTimedEvent(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Returns if there is a Timed Event with the specified Function or not.

ContainsTimedEvent(Single, DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate, Int32, Int32)
Returns if there is a Timed Event with the specifed Timed To Fire, Function, Execution Order, and Group or not.

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)

Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Removes all Events. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

Removes all Events in the specified Group. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

Removes all EveryTime Events. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

Removes all Normalized Timed Events. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

Removes all OneTime Events. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

Removes all Timed Events and Normalized Timed Events. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

Removes all Timed Events. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

Removes an EveryTime Event with the specified Function, Execution Order, and Group. Returns true if the Event was found and removed, false if not.

Removes all EveryTime Events in the specified Group. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

RemoveEveryTimeEvents(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Removes all EveryTime Events with the specified Function. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

Removes a Normalized Timed Event with the specified Function, Time To Fire, Execution Order, and Group. Returns true if the Event was found and removed, false if not.

Removes all Normalized Timed Events in the specified Group. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

RemoveNormalizedTimedEvents(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Removes all Normalized Timed Events with the specified Function. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

Removes a OneTime Event with the specified Function To Call, Execution Order, and Group. Returns true if the Event was found and removed, false if not.

Removes all OneTime Events in the specified Group. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

RemoveOneTimeEvents(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Removes all OneTime Events with the specified Function. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

Removes a Timed Event with the specified Function, Time To Fire, Execution Order, and Group. Returns true if the Event was found and removed, false if not.

Removes all Timed Events in the specified Group. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

RemoveTimedEvents(DPSF<(Of <<'(Particle, Vertex>)>>)..::..UpdateParticleDelegate)
Removes all Timed Events with the specified Function. Returns the number of Events that were removed.

Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Updates the given Particle according to the Particle Events. This is called automatically every frame by the Particle System.