[TCheckBoxFormControlObj]C# [TCheckBoxFormControlObj]Visual Basic Adds a new Normalized Timed Event. Normalized Timed Events fire when the Particle's Normalized Elapsed Time reaches the specified Time To Fire. Namespace: DPSF Assembly: DPSF (in DPSF.dll) Version: Syntax
Parameters fNormalizedTimeToFire The Normalized Time (0.0 - 1.0) when the Event should fire (compared against the Particle's Normalized Elapsed Time). NOTE: This is clamped to the range of 0.0 - 1.0 cFunctionToCall Type: DPSF..::..DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>..::..UpdateParticleDelegate The Function To Call when the Event fires iExecutionOrder The Order, relative to other Events, of when this Event should Execute. NOTE: Events with lower Execution Order are executed first. NOTE: Events with the same Execution Order are not guaranteed to be executed in the order they are added. iGroup The Group that this Event should belong to See Also DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>..::..CParticleEvents Class DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)>..::..CParticleEvents Members |