[TCheckBoxFormControlObj]C# [TCheckBoxFormControlObj]Visual Basic Creates a new Animation and returns the Animation's unique ID. NOTE: Returns -1 if an invalid Picture ID was specified in the PictureRotationOrder. NOTE: Be sure to Create the Pictures before creating the Animation. Namespace: DPSF Assembly: DPSF (in DPSF.dll) Version:
Parameters cPictureRotationOrder Type: System.Collections.Generic..::..List<(Of <(<'Int32>)>)> A List of Picture IDs that specifies the Order of Pictures to Rotate through in order to produce the Animation. A single Picture ID can be used many times. fPictureRotationTime How long (in seconds) to wait before switching to the next Picture in the Picture Rotation Order (i.e. The frame-rate of the Animation) iNumberOfTimesToPlay The number of times this Animation should be played (it replays when the end of the Animation is reached). Specify a value of zero to have the Animation repeat forever Return Value Type: Int32 Returns the new Animation's unique ID.