
Returns true if the given Animation ID is valid (i.e. An Animation with the same ID exists).

Copies the given Animations data into this Animation

CreateAnimation(List<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>), Single, Int32)
Creates a new Animation and returns the Animation's unique ID.
NOTE: Returns -1 if an invalid Picture ID was specified in the PictureRotationOrder.
NOTE: Be sure to Create the Pictures before creating the Animation.

CreateAnimation(array<Int32>[]()[][], Single, Int32)
Creates a new Animation and returns the Animation's unique ID.
NOTE: Returns -1 if an invalid Picture ID was specified in the PictureRotationOrder.
NOTE: Be sure to Create the Pictures before creating the Animation.

Creates a Picture that can be used in a Animation, and returns its unique ID. A Picture can be used multiple times in an Animation.

Automatically creates the specified Total Number Of Pictures. All pictures are assumed to have the same width and height, as specified in the First Picture rectangle. Also, the First Picture is assumed to be at the top-left corner of the Tileset.
Pictures are created in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order. The ID of the first Picture created is returned, with each new Picture created incrementing the ID value, so the last Picture created will have an ID of (returned ID + (Total Number Of Pictures - 1)).

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)

Returns the Number of times the given Animation ID is set to Play. Zero means the Animation will repeat forever.
NOTE: If the given Animation ID is invalid, -1 is returned.

Returns how much Time (in seconds) should elapse before switching frames in the Animation.
NOTE: Returns zero if the specified Animation ID is not valid.

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)

Returns the Rectangle representing the Texture Coordinates of the specified Picture.

Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Returns true if the given Picture ID is valid (i.e. A Picture with the same ID exists).

Sets the Number of times the given Animation ID should Play (it replays when the end of the Animation is reached). Specify a value of zero to have the Animation repeat forever.
NOTE: If the given Animation ID is invalid, no changes are made.

Sets how much Time should elapse before switching frames in the Animation

Sets the Current Animation being used, as well as what index in the Animation's Picture Rotation Order the Animation should start at.
NOTE: If the specified Animiation to use is not valid, the Current Animation will not be changed, and if the specified Picture Rotation Order Index is not valid, the Animation will start from the beginning of the Animation.

Returns the amount of Time required to play the specified Animation.
NOTE: If an invalid AnimationID is specified, zero is returned.

Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Updates the Animation according to how much time has elapsed