[TCheckBoxFormControlObj]Visual Basic
Visual C++
[TCheckBoxFormControlObj]Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Particle, Vertex>)>)>..::..AddParticles Method
Overload List

Adds the specified number of new Particles to the particle system.
These new Particles are initialized using the particle system's Particle Initialization Function.

AddParticles(Int32, ParticleEmitterLerpInfo)
Adds the specified number of new Particles to the particle system, linearly interpolating (Lerp) the Emitter's Position/Orientation to be between its Previous Position/Orientation and current Position/Orientation when adding new particles.
Returns how many Particles were able to be added to the particle system.
These new Particles are initialized using the particle system's Particle Initialization Function.

AddParticles(Int32, Particle)
Adds the specified number of new Particles to the particle system, copying the properties of the given Particle To Copy.
NOTE: The Particle Initialization Function is not called when copying from an existing particle.

AddParticles(Int32, ParticleEmitter, Single)
Adds the specified number of new Particles to the particle system, linearly interpolating (Lerp) the Emitter's Position/Orientation to be between its Previous Position/Orientation and current Position/Orientation when adding new particles.
Returns how many Particles were able to be added to the particle system.
These new Particles are initialized using the particle system's Particle Initialization Function.
See Also
DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)> Class
DPSF<(Of <(<'Particle, Vertex>)>)> Members
DPSF Namespace

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