[TCheckBoxFormControlObj]C# [TCheckBoxFormControlObj]Visual Basic Explicit Constructor Namespace: DPSF Assembly: DPSF (in DPSF.dll) Version: Syntax
Parameters sPositionOnPlane Type: Vector3 A 3D Position on the Plane Magnet's Plane sNormal Type: Vector3 The Normal direction of the Plane (i.e. the up direction away from the plane) eMode Type: DPSF..::..DefaultParticleSystemMagnet..::..MagnetModes The Mode that the Magnet should be in eDistanceFunction Type: DPSF..::..DefaultParticleSystemMagnet..::..DistanceFunctions The Function to use to determine how much a Particle should be affected by the Magnet based on how far away from the Magnet it is fMinDistance The Min Distance that the Magnet should be able to affect Particles at. If the Particle is closer to the Magnet than this distance, the Magnet will not affect the Particle. fMaxDistance The Max Distance that the Magnet should be able to affect Particles at. If the Particle is further away from the Magnet than this distance, the Magnet will not affect the Particle. fMaxForce The Max Force that the Magnet is able to exert on a Particle iType The Type of Magnet this is. This may be used in conjunction with the "Other" Magnet Mode to distinguish which type of custom user effect the Magnet should have on the Particles. See Also |