
Copies the given PivotPoint2D object's data into this object's data

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)

Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

RotatePosition(Single, Vector2)
Rotates the object around the specified Pivot Point, changing its Position, without changing its Orientation.
RotatePosition(Single, Vector2, Vector2)
Returns the new Position after Rotating the given Position around the specified Pivot Point

RotatePositionAndOrientation(Single, Vector2)
Rotates the object about its center, changing its Orientation, as well as around the specified Pivot Point, changing its Position
RotatePositionAndOrientation(Single, Vector2, Vector2%, Single%)
Rotates the given Position and Orientation around the Pivot Point, changing the Position and Orientation

RotatePositionAndOrientationVector3(Single, Vector3)
Rotates the object about its center, changing its Orientation, as well as around the specified 3D Pivot Point, changing its 2D Position.
NOTE: The Pivot Point's Z-value is ignored.
NOTE: This function is provided for convenience when using 3D Vectors in 2D coordinate systems.
RotatePositionAndOrientationVector3(Single, Vector3, Vector3%, Single%)
Rotates the given Position and Orientation around the Pivot Point, changing the Position and Orientation.
NOTE: The Pivot Point and Position's Z-values are ignored.
NOTE: This function is provided for convenience when using 3D Vectors in 2D coordinate systems.

RotatePositionVector3(Single, Vector3)
Rotates the object around the specified Pivot Point, changing its Position, without changing its Orientation.
NOTE: The Pivot Point's Z-value is ignored.
NOTE: This function is provided for convenience when using 3D Vectors in 2D coordinate systems.
RotatePositionVector3(Single, Vector3, Vector3)
Returns the new Position after Rotating the given Position around the specified Pivot Point.
NOTE: The Pivot Point and Position's Z-values are ignored.
This function is provided for convenience when using 3D Vectors in 2D coordinate systems.

Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Update the Position and Orientation according to the Pivot Rotational Velocity / Acceleration