[TCheckBoxFormControlObj]C# [TCheckBoxFormControlObj]Visual Basic Returns the interpolation amount (between 0.0 and 1.0) that should be used in a Lerp function to have a property reach its full value when the NormalizedLifetime reaches 0.5, and go back to its original value by the time the NormalizedLifetime reaches 1.0. An example of where to use this would be if you wanted a particle to start off small, and reach its full size when the particle's lifetime is half over, and then to shrink back to being small by the time the particle dies. You would use the value returned by this function as the interpolation amount for the Lerp function. e.g. MathHelper.Lerp(SmallSize, LargeSize, ValueReturnedByThisFunction). Namespace: DPSF Assembly: DPSF (in DPSF.dll) Version:
Parameters fNormalizedElapsedTime The current Normalized Elapsed Time (0.0 - 1.0) of a Particle Return Value Type: Single Returns the interpolation amount (between 0.0 and 1.0) that should be used in a Lerp function to have a property reach its full value when the NormalizedLifetime reaches 0.5, and go back to its original value by the time the NormalizedLifetime reaches 1.0.