[TCheckBoxFormControlObj]C# [TCheckBoxFormControlObj]Visual Basic Draws the Particle Systems' Animation over the given timespan to a sequence of Image files. NOTE: This function is not available on the Xbox 360. Namespace: DPSF Assembly: DPSF (in DPSF.dll) Version:
Parameters cGraphicsDevice Type: GraphicsDevice A Graphics Device to use for drawing; The Graphics Device contents will not be overwritten. NOTE: The size of the Texture before scaling will be the size of the Graphics Device's Viewport. iImageWidth The desired Width of the Image files generated iImageHeight The desired Height of the Image files generated sDirectoryName The Directory to store the generated Image files in. NOTE: This Directory will be created in the same directory as the application's executable. fTotalAnimationTime The amount of Time in seconds that the Animation should run for fTimeStep The amount of Time that should elapse between frames (i.e. 1.0 / 30.0 = 30fps) bCreateAnimatedGIF Set this to true to also produce an animated GIF from the Image files generated bCreateTileSetImage Set this to true to also produce a Tile Set from the Image files generated. Be careful when setting this to true as the system may run out of memory and throw an exception if the Tile Set image to generate is too large. Exactly how large it is allowed to be differs from system to system.