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[TCheckBoxFormControlObj]Visual Basic
..PointOnCircleVector3 Method
Returns a point on a circle with a radius of one, on the X-Y axis plane (Z value of zero). To use a different radius simply multiply the returned value by the desired radius value.
Namespace: DPSF
Assembly: DPSF (in DPSF.dll) Version:
public static Vector3 PointOnCircleVector3(
float fAngle
Visual Basic
Public Shared Function PointOnCircleVector3 (
fAngle As Single
) As Vector3
Visual C++
static Vector3 PointOnCircleVector3(
float fAngle
Type: System..::..Single
The angle on the circle in radians
Return Value
Type: Vector3
Returns a 3D position on a circle
See Also
DPSFHelper Class
DPSFHelper Members
DPSF Namespace

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